Our Miner-All and Vit-All are used by professionals, trusted by veterinarians.


Sticky Tongue Farms was launched in 1992 and we're proud to be celebrating our 27th year in business!

We offer super premium quality (human grade), highly absorbable calcium supplements for reptiles and amphibians. There's a reason many of the top breeders on the planet use our product exclusively.

It all started when one of the co-founders was very dissatisfied with the litany of reptile and amphibian supplements available on the market. They had subpar ingredients, many at varying levels of toxicity, just like many of the supplements available today.

Years were spent performing field and laboratory testing and refinement until astonishing results were achieved with the advent of Miner-all and Vit-all. 

Try our supplements with your own animals, and the results you'll see will be remarkable. We guarantee it, or your money back.